Principles of my work

What holds my work together.
And what makes it different.
Syste­mic coun­seling was the first school I got to know more deep­ly — and to this day it is not only a home port, but also a frame­work for many approa­ches I have encoun­te­red in the mean­ti­me — from working on orga­nizatio­nal struc­tures to deal­ing with the regu­la­to­ry capa­ci­ty of the ner­vous system. For me it makes a lot of sen­se to think syste­mic con­sul­ting bey­ond the clas­si­cal boun­da­ries and to com­ple­ment it in some places with com­ple­men­ta­ry approa­ches. And to note: many prin­ci­ples and pre­cis­i­ons fit tog­e­ther ama­zin­gly well in the end. Here are some over­ar­ching aspects that have beco­me important to me in my work. 

Specialized in living things

Bringing together what belongs together.

Con­sul­ting has beco­me very dif­fe­ren­tia­ted: In the­ra­py and coa­ching, super­vi­si­on and team deve­lo­p­ment, orga­nizatio­nal deve­lo­p­ment and trai­ning. I under­stand the­se dif­fe­rent play­ing fields as pro­fes­sio­na­li­zing per­spec­ti­ves that actual­ly belong tog­e­ther: Orga­nizatio­nal deve­lo­p­ment also needs a view for peo­p­le and their inner world, the team deve­lo­per a lens for the grammar of the orga­nizati­on. The coach the abili­ty to reco­gnize deeper psy­cho­lo­gi­cal move­ments and the media­tor a sen­se of the move­ments that have not­hing to do with the cur­rent con­tent. For me, this means that a con­sul­tant is only as good as he or she is able to accom­pa­ny dif­fe­rent flight levels in a well-foun­ded man­ner. I the­r­e­fo­re work with com­ple­men­ta­ry spe­cia­lizati­ons that remain con­nec­ta­ble through com­mon prin­ci­ples and a uni­fy­ing framework.

For you, this means that regard­less of the set­ting, you have the choice of whe­re we look so that you can cla­ri­fy and explo­re what is essen­ti­al to you

Prepared improvisation.

What peo­p­le do is per se ali­ve and that also means: ulti­m­ate­ly unpre­dic­ta­ble. Good pre­pa­ra­ti­on is then only one part. The other is to keep your ear to the track and use the visi­ble and imper­cep­ti­ble respon­ses of a living system as a start­ing point for next steps. And thus to do some justi­ce to the inher­ent cle­ver­ness of such systems.

Shaping complexity

Diving deep together

Go to the core of the issues.

The pro­blems that give rise to coun­seling are often just sym­ptoms of a deeper move­ment taking place a few flo­ors below. We look at what else is in the way of orga­nic move­ment. We are more con­cer­ned with the stones that gui­de the cur­rent than with the sur­face of the water. Tog­e­ther we go clo­ser to the core of things, mindful and respectful of inner and outer boun­da­ries, try­ing to under­stand more deep­ly what is actual­ly going on. And if we give it a litt­le more room, what is actual­ly pos­si­ble can often emerge.

The good reason that we don't see.

What we call pro­blems are often solu­ti­ons from times that were dif­fi­cult. When this beco­mes more tan­gi­ble, ten­si­on in the system turns into strength for the next step. One could also say: Deve­lo­p­ment beco­mes more likely whe­re it is less pre­ven­ted. This also means that in con­sul­ta­ti­ons we often dig less of a river­bed than we lift trees out of the stream tog­e­ther. This crea­tes more self-cohe­rence: beco­ming more like yours­elf and inve­st­ing less ener­gy in inter­nal fric­tion. This in turn brings more liveli­ness, cohe­rence and free­dom of choice. Becau­se a space is crea­ted in which the­re is room for both old and new solutions. 

Recognize what is

Move­ment in the ner­vous system

Regulation embodies accompany.

Much of what we expe­ri­ence is based on dyna­mics below the thres­hold of con­scious­ness. Stress and per­cei­ved inten­si­ty often has to do with escala­ti­on pat­terns of the ner­vous system that are con­scious­ly invi­si­ble but powerful­ly effec­ti­ve. Hyp­no­the­ra­py pro­vi­des a fine­ly tun­ed lan­guage that acti­va­tes uncon­scious parts in a hel­pful way and turns them into coali­ti­on part­ners of con­scious thin­king. Body-ori­en­ted trau­ma the­ra­py goes one step deeper and helps to sti­mu­la­te and resto­re regu­la­ti­on of the ner­vous system its­elf. This has an enorm­ous effect on the who­le orga­nism, often brin­ging more strength and cla­ri­ty, cont­act with ones­elf and others. As a result, peo­p­le beco­me more respon­si­ve from within. In a word: more resilient.

Understanding and doing.

After the con­sul­ta­ti­on comes ever­y­day life — and even when we dive deep, we resur­face. We work within a clear frame­work over seve­ral months, so that we don’t just see each other at indi­vi­du­al appoint­ments, but can keep an eye on lar­ger move­ments over time and reflect on them tog­e­ther. We take into account whe­re topics deve­lop orga­ni­cal­ly and whe­re pro­ce­s­ses appear to remain unch­an­ged. Whe­re this seems hel­pful, we use the power of the will to make clear, per­so­nal and some­ti­mes cou­ra­ge­ous decis­i­ons. We trust that inner chan­ges have a natu­ral effect on con­cre­te life and cla­ri­fy what is nee­ded when some­thing stands in the way of this movement. 

Implementation orientation

Power of presence

Contact in the here and now.

Real pre­sence — a noti­cing of phe­no­me­na with suf­fi­ci­ent space in which the expe­ri­ence can take place — has a trans­for­ma­ti­ve qua­li­ty. This prin­ci­ple is the basis of enti­re schools of trau­ma the­ra­py becau­se it is so effec­ti­ve. Whe­re an expe­ri­ence in embo­di­ed pre­sence beco­mes more per­cep­ti­ble and tan­gi­ble, the deve­lo­p­men­tal move­ment that has been crea­ted beg­ins all by its­elf. The chall­enge here is that not all ele­ments are visi­ble: It is an essen­ti­al part of so-cal­led pro­blems that some of the cau­ses remain in the dark. The fact that we don’t have to chan­ge this, but work with a basic respect for this — in my view always cle­ver — dyna­mic, cle­ars the way for topics to unfold anew on their own. The move­ment ari­ses as soon as we give space to what pre­vents it.

Go on, if you want.

Over­view of the play­ing fields 
Voices about my work 
My background