Systemic Coaching

Simply move more.
The for­mat for decis­i­on-makers and others who need to deci­de — whe­ther out of cri­sis or into growth oppor­tu­ni­ty: In focu­sed indi­vi­du­al ses­si­ons or pro­cess packa­ges, we work on the chal­lenges you face — prag­ma­ti­cal­ly and results-ori­en­ted or with deep dives to the root cau­ses. We find out which mar­gins are crea­ted and whe­re you have to find a way to deal with the wea­ther. In fact, coa­chees are often initi­al­ly unclear about what the next steps might be. Expe­ri­ence shows that the door is crea­ted while we are for­ging the key. This also makes coa­ching an update for one’s own pro­blem-sol­ving abili­ty — and the old fami­li­ar one opti­on among many.

Systemic Coaching in practice

I have been working as a coach sin­ce 2010: with decis­i­on-makers to think through manage­ment stra­te­gies, with exe­cu­ti­ves to shar­pen their own role, with employees and indi­vi­du­als in cri­ses, rea­lignments and tran­si­ti­ons of all kinds. I expe­ri­ence coa­ching as a focu­sed way of accom­pany­ing, in which we can adjust the depth of the dive, the topic and the rhythm of the mee­tings. Eit­her in indi­vi­du­al ses­si­ons on demand or pro­cess packa­ges to work well on lar­ger topics over mul­ti­ple dates.

For example:

  • Work with the division head of an international service provider on leadership redesign and positioning to the board in the volatile environment of the organization.
  • Work with the founder of a creative agency on how team processes can realign adequately with the growth of the organization.
  • Work with an experienced manager on sleep issues and ways to achieve a more balanced inner lineup.
  • Work with the HR director of a large company on how to position himself well and stay true to himself in a context of increasing speed and managerial micropolitics.
  • Working with a young man in the early years of his professional life on the question of what lies beneath the stress he experiences in interpersonal relationships - and how he can find a more balanced way of dealing with it in the medium term.

What it could be about:

Arrange a non-binding initial meeting

Go on, if you want.

Overview of the playing fields
Voices about my work
Principles of my work
My background