Systemic supervision

Just keep learning.
Super­vi­si­on is estab­lished in many orga­nizati­ons. As a space for reli­ef and reflec­tion. As a tem­po­ra­ry team deve­lo­p­ment. As a work­shop in which roles and pro­ce­s­ses are shar­pe­ned and cla­ri­fi­ed. The open exch­an­ge with col­le­agues brings a breath of fresh air into one’s own prac­ti­ce and builds up a space in which more coope­ra­ti­on and joint lear­ning beco­mes pos­si­ble. Super­vi­si­on is a regu­lar update for teams and good for anyo­ne who wants to remain a sus­tainable professional.

Systemic supervision in practice

Sin­ce 2015 I have been working as a super­vi­sor for social insti­tu­ti­ons and have expe­ri­ence in working with manage­ment teams and teams from cli­nics and schools, from addic­tion sup­port and youth wel­fa­re, from assi­sted living and insti­tu­ti­ons for the dis­ab­led. Super­vi­si­on is often an estab­lished part of work in chal­len­ging con­texts and ensu­res work abili­ty as well as rege­ne­ra­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment of teams. I app­re­cia­te in super­vi­si­ons that we can deci­de prompt­ly whe­ther to work on day-to-day busi­ness or team con­flicts, dis­cuss chal­len­ging cli­ents or shar­pen pro­cess struc­tures. This makes super­vi­si­on one of the most fle­xi­ble tools of orga­nizatio­nal con­sul­ting — and also effec­ti­ve as team deve­lo­p­ment in small units.

For example:

  • Work with a team of physicians from a large clinic to reflect on difficult situations at work. The otherwise undiscussed areas of tension in the medical profession are also discussed.
  • Work with the team of a healthcare provider with 20 employees to unify organically grown structures and processes and find a shared attitude of work.
  • Work with an established leadership team at a large social service agency where a former team member has taken over as the new leader.
  • Working with an ambulatory care team that feels overwhelmed by the demands and communication style of management in a busy daily routine, but sees little room to address this openly in conversation.
  • Case supervision with a team of inpatient addiction support on particularly challenging client contacts and development of new perspectives and interventions for the work.

What it could be about:

Want to set yourself up even more clearly?

Go on, if you want.

Overview of the playing fields
Voices about my work
Principles of my work
My background