As it is, it is good. Only that it could also be quite different.

Niklas Luh­mann

A warm welcome to you.

On the way to more power and cla­ri­ty: Con­sul­ting as I under­stand it brings things back tog­e­ther and ulti­m­ate­ly brings peo­p­le, teams and orga­nizati­ons clo­ser to them­sel­ves. From my point of view, it is important to be able to pro­vi­de sound advice on issues whe­re they ari­se: with know­ledge of the inher­ent logic of orga­nizati­ons, as an expres­si­on of group dyna­mics, agree­ments and cul­tu­re in teams, or from the deeper psy­cho­lo­gi­cal per­spec­ti­ve of the peo­p­le who expe­ri­ence them.

In doing so, I work with cli­ents in apre­sent- and pro­cess-ori­en­ted way, essen­ti­al and at the core of the mat­ter, in cla­ri­ty and mindful­ness, with under­stan­ding and embo­di­ed . We remain mindful when fric­tion ari­ses and move­ment fal­ters and impu­te good rea­sons to it — wit­hout buy­ing ever­ything we think. While we work, we keep in mind what is bare­ly audi­ble bet­ween the main voices and what does not yet find a voice while we are tal­king. This is true in all set­tings: whe­ther we are working deep­ly the­ra­peu­ti­cal­ly or on a team rea­lignment, the next step of the orga­nizati­on, or a major coa­ching decision.

If you feel like sha­ring what a cour­se of action might look like in your spe­ci­fic situa­ti­on: get in touch. The intro­duc­to­ry mee­ting is on the house.

Dif­fe­rent play­ing fields and spe­cia­li­zed approa­ches, one com­mon atti­tu­de: to make com­ple­xi­ty mana­geable while doing justi­ce to the dif­fe­rent levels at which it is to be effec­ti­ve.

Con­sul­ting for orga­nizati­ons, teams and individuals

→ to the offers

Consulting with foundation

Con­ti­n­ue lear­ning
for peo­p­le,
who mean business.

→ to the fur­ther trainings

In fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning cour­ses, we work clo­se to prac­ti­ce wit­hout being dri­ven by day-to-day busi­ness. This allo­ws us to del­ve deeper into the issues that later beco­me cata­lysts for much else.


Out­side per­spec­ti­ves are important in the syste­mic world to make the pic­tu­re more com­ple­te. Here you will find comm­ents from cus­to­mers and col­le­agues and a sel­ec­tion of our own and joint publications.

What cus­to­mers and cli­ents say about my work

→ to the voices

My own artic­les, lec­tures and projects

→ to the publications

Selection of clients I work with

Pro­fes­sio­nal sta­ti­ons and fur­ther education

→ My background

My maps

→ Prin­ci­ples of consulting

Coun­seling needs con­text — for this you will find more tan­gi­ble infor­ma­ti­on from cur­ri­cu­lum vitae to edu­ca­ti­on and more in-depth infor­ma­ti­on on prin­ci­ples that have pro­ven them­sel­ves in counseling.