Systemic team development

Control is good. Trust is better.
Whe­ther manage­ment or lea­der­ship teams, depart­ments or pro­jects: Teams are the nucleus of an orga­nizati­on. This is whe­re flu­id inter­ac­tion occurs and whe­re con­flicts draw ener­gy from day-to-day ope­ra­ti­ons. This is whe­re lea­der­ship beco­mes a powerful frame or struc­tu­ral fric­tion. This is whe­re employees expe­ri­ence a fit with the cul­tu­re or go on the back bur­ner becau­se they no lon­ger find them­sel­ves in the work. With team deve­lo­p­ment, this frame­work can be shaped. The result works back becau­se an ali­gned team needs less lea­der­ship to com­pen­sa­te and still pro­du­ces more con­nec­ta­ble results. After­wards, it is clea­rer what the team is doing. And what makes it tick.

Systemic team development in practice

I have been working sin­ce 2005 in dif­fe­rent set­tings of team deve­lo­p­ment in cor­po­ra­ti­ons and medi­um-sized busi­nesses, in lar­ge and smal­ler social insti­tu­ti­ons, in start-ups and in the public sec­tor. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts are mana­ging direc­tors, divi­si­on and depart­ment mana­gers, team lea­ders or employees in the ope­ra­tio­nal busi­ness. The team for­mats are cus­to­mi­zed — adapt­ed to the situa­ti­on of the team, the orga­nizati­on and the flight level of the issues we work on.

For example:

  • Work with a leadership team in a mid-sized company that wants to move from a time of silos toward a shared leadership team, unifying structures and resolving areas of tension among themselves.
  • Work with the team of an owner-managed network of consultants who want to reposition themselves in the market together and develop a common mindset to do so.
  • Work with a youth services team facing new challenges and build structures to respond well to declining predictability and increasing lack of resources.

What it could be about:

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Overview of the playing fields
Voices about my work
Principles of my work
My background