My background

From ground and movement
I work in very dif­fe­rent fields and it is important to me to meet the dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments of the­se fields — not so much as a gene­ra­list, but spe­cia­li­zed in each case.
I belie­ve that this com­ple­men­ta­ry spe­cia­lizati­on is essen­ti­al to pro­vi­de sound gui­dance to peo­p­le, teams and orga­nizati­ons. The fact that the­se fields often remain sepa­ra­te in prac­ti­ce is histo­ri­cal­ly grown, but actual­ly does not make sen­se: Coa­ching needs the­ra­peu­tic know­ledge to accom­pa­ny inner move­ments well. Team deve­lo­p­ment bene­fits when the inner worlds of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts, as well as the cul­tu­ral and struc­tu­ral aspects of the orga­nizati­on, can emer­ge. A super­vi­sor bene­fits from media­ti­on skills when teams come with con­flict situa­tions. It’s time to think the­se dis­pa­ra­te threads back together.
This choice for com­ple­men­ta­ry spe­cia­lizati­on is not one that makes my job easier. But it makes me feel like I’m get­ting clo­ser to what I want to do: pro­vi­ding accom­p­anime­nt that remains actionable and effec­ti­ve no mat­ter whe­re we are on the jour­ney. My prin­ci­ples are the same on all play­ing fields — as is the goal of working clo­se to the heart of the mat­ter, at eye level and with a focus on implementation. 

My work formats

I work inter­na­tio­nal­ly via Zoom and on-site in Ger­man and English.

Education and training

  • Body-ori­en­ted trau­ma the­ra­py Soma­tic Expe­ri­en­cing accor­ding to Peter Levi­ne Three-year con­ti­nuing edu­ca­ti­on 2018–2020 inclu­ding tea­ching the­ra­py and supervision
  • Trans­pa­rent Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Pro­cess Work Three-year con­ti­nuing edu­ca­ti­on 2014–2017 with Tho­mas Hübl and Auke van Nij­me­gen, Jehu­dit Saspor­tas and Dia­ne Mus­ho Hamil­ton in pre­sence- and mindful­ness-based pro­cess work for indi­vi­du­als and groups. 
  • Syste­mic Super­vi­si­on (Cer­ti­fi­ed by SG) Trai­ning at Helm Stier­lin Insti­tu­te Hei­del­berg 2014–2015 with Andrea Ebb­ecke-Noh­len and Prof. Eli­sa­beth Nico­lai, Prof. Jochen Schweit­zer and Tom Levold
  • Syste­mic mediation Syste­mic media­ti­on with Lis Rip­ke and Joseph Rie­forth (half-year cur­ri­cu­lum 2015)
  • Non­vio­lent Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on accor­ding to Mar­shall Rosen­berg Basic cour­se of the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on cour­se with Dr. Irm­traud Kau­schat and Nico­le Lei­pert-Knaup (Darm­stadt, 2013)
  • Syste­mic Coun­seling and The­ra­py (Cer­ti­fi­ed by SG and DGSF) Three-year trai­ning at the Helm Stier­lin Insti­tu­te Hei­del­berg 2009–2011 with Prof. Eli­sa­beth Nico­lai, Dr. Gun­ther Schmidt, Mecht­hild Rein­hard, Prof. Jochen Schweit­zer and Dr. Car­men Kindl-Beilfuß
  • Cur­ri­cu­lum cli­ni­cal hyp­no­sis accor­ding to the gui­de­lines of the Mil­ton Erick­son Insti­tu­te at the Mil­ton Erick­son Insti­tu­te Hei­del­berg 2009 with Dr. Gun­ther Schmidt and Dr. Bern­hard Trenkle
  • Chan­ge Essen­ti­als 2010 Advan­ced trai­ning for con­sul­tants and chan­ge mana­gers with Dr. Bar­ba­ra Heit­ger, Dr. Wolf­gang Looss, Prof. Mat­thi­as Var­ga von Kibéd
  • Hyp­no­sy­ste­mic OE Cur­ri­cu­lum by Gun­ther Schmidt (Cer­ti­fi­ed by DBVC) The cur­ri­cu­lum “Syste­mic and Hyp­no­the­ra­peu­tic Con­cepts for Orga­nizatio­nal Con­sul­ting, Coa­ching and Per­so­nal Deve­lo­p­ment” at the Mil­ton Erick­son Insti­tu­te Hei­del­berg 2009 with Dr. Gun­ther Schmidt and Rolf Krizian

Important stations

  • Psy­cho­the­ra­py (accor­ding to HPG) | sin­ce 2018 The psy­cho­the­ra­py licen­se of the city of Colo­gne as a non-medi­cal prac­ti­tio­ner (psy­cho­the­ra­py) opens the space for deeper the­ra­peu­tic work. I work with the methods of syste­mic the­ra­py, hyp­no­the­ra­py and body-ori­en­ted trau­ma the­ra­py accor­ding to Peter Levine.
  • Self-employed orga­nizatio­nal deve­lo­p­ment, team deve­lo­p­ment, super­vi­si­on, trai­ning and coa­ching | sin­ce 2013 Work inter­na­tio­nal­ly and local­ly, via Zoom and in pre­sence with orga­nizati­ons, teams and indi­vi­du­als on dif­fe­rent play­ing fields. Cus­to­mers come from cor­po­ra­te envi­ron­ments and medi­um-sized busi­nesses, social and muni­ci­pal spon­sors, start­ups and small businesses.
  • Con­sul­tant in per­ma­nent posi­ti­on at Heit­ger Con­sul­ting | 2010 — 2012 Per­ma­nent posi­ti­on as an orga­nizatio­nal con­sul­tant 2010–2012, working in cor­po­ra­te envi­ron­ments, medi­um-sized busi­nesses and public insti­tu­ti­ons with a focus on chan­ge, lea­der­ship and IT. From lar­ge chan­ge pro­jects to trai­nings for the pro­fes­sio­na­lizati­on of inter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders to indi­vi­du­al team work­shops and coaching.
  • Semi­nar assi­stance with Gun­ther Schmidt at the Mil­ton Erick­son Insti­tu­te Hei­del­berg| 2009 A short sto­po­ver with the co-foun­der of syste­mic con­sul­ting turns into many months — and a real refe­rence expe­ri­ence of what good con­sul­ting can be. I have been well con­nec­ted with him and the cli­nic he foun­ded, the Syste­li­os Acu­te Cli­nic in Sie­dels­brunn, ever sin­ce — among others in the Syste­li­os Trans­fer Network.
  • Pro­fes­sio­na­lizati­on Per­son­nel and Orga­nizatio­nal Deve­lo­p­ment (POP) | 2004 — 2006 Prac­ti­cal stu­dies at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Mann­heim and Hei­del­berg with lec­tu­r­ers from Accen­ture, Daim­ler, Hei­del­ber­ger Druck and the Wies­loch Insti­tu­te for Syste­mic Con­sul­ting, among others
  • Master’s degree at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Mann­heim and Hei­del­berg | 2002–2008
    Sub­jects: Socio­lo­gy, Psy­cho­lo­gy, Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Stu­dies, gra­dua­ted as Magi­ster Arti­um Soc.


In addi­ti­on to con­ti­nuing edu­ca­ti­on, it is important for me to reflect on and deve­lop my own prac­ti­ce. To this end, I use regu­lar super­vi­si­on, am clo­se­ly net­work­ed with col­le­agues from dif­fe­rent depart­ments, and use seve­ral weeks a year for accom­pa­nied deve­lo­p­ment time­outs. A regu­lar medi­ta­ti­on and mindful­ness prac­ti­ce helps me keep my inner spaces clear and address my own issues .Loo­se­ly based on Irvin Yalom: You can accom­pa­ny peo­p­le well espe­ci­al­ly whe­re you yours­elf have alre­a­dy been.



Syste­mic The­ra­pist / Fami­ly The­ra­pist (DSGF)


Syste­mic Super­vi­sor (SG)

Syste­mic the­ra­pist and con­sul­tant (SG)

Psy­cho­the­ra­py Licensure

Alter­na­ti­ve prac­ti­tio­ner (psy­cho­the­ra­py)
audi­ted by the city of Cologne

Sup­ple­men­ta­ry studies

Pro­fes­sio­na­lizati­on Orga­nizatio­nal and per­son­nel development

Con­ti­nuing education

Cur­ri­cu­lum Orga­nizatio­nal Deve­lo­p­ment and Coaching


Net­work part­ner of the Syste­li­os Acu­te Cli­nic Siedelsbrunn 

Go on, if you want.

Over­view of the play­ing fields 
Voices about my work 
Prin­ci­ples of my work