Consulting in times of Corona

Formats for the crisis

Coro­na­vi­rus and the mea­su­res rela­ted to it have set a lot in moti­on on very dif­fe­rent levels. From agi­ta­ted per­so­nal issues and ten­se team situa­tions, to neces­sa­ry restruc­tu­ring of pro­ce­s­ses, to reen­gi­nee­ring of busi­ness units and busi­ness models — in many con­texts, the que­sti­on is how to work fluid­ly and powerful­ly with this level of unplan­na­bi­li­ty and constraint.

I expe­ri­ence con­sul­ting in this time as more rele­vant than ever.

The­re are two opti­ons for us to work during this time:

Work at your site

Working on site during Coro­na is pos­si­ble in prin­ci­ple, if the situa­ti­on allo­ws it. We work accor­ding to our own     hygie­ne plan, which is based on the Coro­na Pro­tec­tion Ordi­nan­ce of North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia, the rules of my own cli­ents and  cur­rent sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings. This plan is updated regu­lar­ly. Depen­ding on the situa­ti­on, mea­su­res such as man­da­to­ry masks, cle­ar­an­ces, ven­ti­la­ti­on rules or 2G/3G pro­vi­si­ons are recor­ded the­re. This hygie­ne plan is  my mini­mum stan­dard for  work and is wel­co­me to be sup­ple­men­ted with your organization’s rules of the game.

On-site appoint­ments are curr­ent­ly reser­ved in prin­ci­ple only with a Plan B: If the infec­tion num­bers are so high or the over­all situa­ti­on is so unpre­dic­ta­ble that on-site work is no lon­ger justi­fia­ble, we will switch to an online for­mat for the same appointment.

Work in online setting

We can work online with pro­fes­sio­nal tech­no­lo­gy — with a white­board to work tog­e­ther and to secu­re results, with the pos­si­bi­li­ty to quick­ly switch to small groups and to use dif­fe­rent con­sul­ta­ti­on set­tings. I’ve been working pro­fes­sio­nal­ly with online for­mats for years, and sin­ce 2020 I’ve also been trai­ning col­le­agues in the inten­tio­nal design of con­sul­ta­ti­ve online formats. 

In the­se days of man­da­to­ry masks, distance and air eti­quet­te, vir­tu­al work also brings the advan­ta­ge of being able to see who­le faces, of teams being able to come tog­e­ther from disper­sed loca­ti­ons or from the home office, and of peo­p­le with hig­her con­cerns about con­ta­gi­on or unclear sym­ptoms being able to be the­re in a rela­xed way. To make the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on work, I have pre­pared pro­ven rules of the game and resour­ces, which I will glad­ly send upon request.

Go on, if you want.

Over­view of the play­ing fields 
Voices about my work 
Prin­ci­ples of my work 
My background