In order for organizations to remain capable of action and fluid in complex environments, it is necessary to have an eye for complexity at various levels. We keep our ear to the ground and tailor formats that help move the organization toward a future worth shaping. We take people as seriously as structures and measurable results. We remain precise and focused on the sub-areas and keep an eye on the big picture. We balance self-organization and leadership, clarify points of friction and ensure good transfer to day-to-day business.
Systemic organizational development in practice
Since 2010, I have been on the road as an organizational developer in organizations ranging from corporations to medium-sized businesses to municipal sponsors and socially driven organizations. During this time, I have accompanied a wide variety of projects: From smaller workshop formats to longer accompaniment to multi-year development processes in large staff.
It often starts with an organizational diagnosis to identify key levers and areas of tension. A reflection workshop makes these visible and discussable and is the prelude to a tailor-made process afterwards. We integrate customized workshops with teams, work with the management team or individual key players. We take care of clarity and implementation of strategic guidelines and driving via resonance teams and steering committees.
For example:
- Culture diagnosis of individual areas at a large German service provider with the aim of translating levers for change to the needs of the area. Web-based questionnaires were supplemented with qualitative interviews, and key hypotheses about areas of tension and possible topics for further work were derived. The diagnosis was the basis for a subsequent development process.
- Organizational development at a social service agency in transition with a focus on guiding the team of 20 employees through changed ownership and new leadership toward new collaborative structures, resolving escalated conflicts, and integrating evolved roles.
- Working with the management team of a large social welfare organization that has to save money due to tighter legislation and increasing cost pressure and wants to develop new structures and a clearer management culture to achieve this - without giving up its own cultural currencies or losing long-serving employees.
What it could be about:
Strengthen leadership
Work with managers and management teams
Leadership is an essential enabler of cooperation in the organization: as a translator of overarching decisions into operational action, as a mediator of the tension between strategy and day-to-day business, as a negotiating partner for management and employees alike, as a messenger of information to the organization as a whole and a messenger of difficult news, as a source of impetus to the organization and a catalyst for innovation. Leadership often accomplishes much that is little visible. We strengthen leadership as a function and leaders via work with individual leaders, peers at one level, and leadership teams in the vertical. We bring transparency to areas of tension and resources with 360° feedbacks and workshops on leadership in the organization. And we strengthen leadership as a driver and sense-maker as part of ongoing organizational development processes.
Advice for people with responsibility
For challenging topics, influential ideas and critical moments: We bring clarity to complexity, test different angles and think ahead to stakeholder perspectives. We clarify scenarios with their interactions, levers and opportunities. We challenge and dive to deeper issues of the organization. And if you wish, to those of your own inner world as well.
Executive Coaching
Team development
Development of teams and functions
Many things come together in teams: Psychological inner worlds, team dynamics and sources of conflict enable or hinder good cooperation. Structures, processes and roles of the organization create security or become a subject of friction and slow down day-to-day business. Strategic orientation is translated into day-to-day business or is lost in personal perspectives. We clarify what gets in the way of fluid team movement. The fact that we can take a well-founded look at psychological factors such as organizational framework conditions pays off here in particular. In the context of organizational development, team development is closely linked to the overall process: the workshops remain in a protected setting, if that makes sense, but can be linked to the larger process in terms of content — e.g., the workshops can be held in the context of the overall process. by converging results in steering circles or by clients joining in at agreed times to work together.
Strengthen competence development in the organization
What makes employees successful is often not their technical competence but their professionalism in navigating complex environments and relationships: The ability to deal with conflict, social and emotional intelligence, leadership, professional communication and one’s own resilience are often the factors that determine how much power employees can bring to bear in day-to-day business. Rule of thumb: The less predefined the work content, the more the quality of collaboration pays off in terms of results. We design custom-fit trainings for your organization, individual professional groups or teams. Intensive, hands-on, empowering and sustainably effective via fixed transfer workshops.
Trainings & Continuing Education
Pulse checks & diagnoses
Making melodies of the organization audible
Customized questionnaires, personal interviews, and results-oriented evaluation workshops: Diagnoses are very effective interventions in the organization. This is also because topics that cannot be discussed internally become visible, areas of tension become clearer, and levers are identified to address challenges. Professionally soundly conceived, a diagnosis brings clarity to the organization and creates a new foundation for further work. Through a moderated reflection, we create a space for working on the concrete challenges and levers — towards binding agreements or clear assignments for next steps.
Let's talk.
Go on, if you want.
Voices about my work
Principles of my work
My background